Ramadan is a holy month of spirituality and is a significant month in the Islamic calendar. During this month, a believer abstains from food and drink from dawn till dusk.
The role of fasting in an Islamic society is to elevate an individual to a higher level of spirituality, patience, piety and compassion to the people around us. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and it is the central aspect of this month. It is renowned for its spiritual and physical benefits.
Our bodies are complex systems and a sudden change in the calorie intake and the timing will have an effect. During Ramadan, there should be a good balance in your consumption.
You should eat foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Not to forget your hydration.
But, this does not give you the freedom to consume whatever you can get your hands on. As this can impact your metabolic reaction.
So, it is best to consider the food and beverages which are good and those which are best avoided during Ramadan.
If you haven’t tried fasting yet, try fasting for a day. This will help you understand the importance of this month and its virtues. If done right, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan can improve your health, spiritually and physically.
By being aware of the do’s and don’ts we can have a great holy month of Ramadan.
The Holy month of Ramadan is a time to practice self-control, self-discipline, sacrifice and empathy…