Health Tips | 22/11/2017

Easy Training Tips for Men

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By SSS Team

Fitness and health have taken the world by storm and if you’re a part of it, we have some great training tips to help boost your fitness routines. Even if you aren’t part of the fitness revolution, with our easy training tips, you too can get on the fitness bandwagon. Feel free, energized and stronger than yesterday when you add our training tips to your daily fitness regimes.


Training Tips

One of the most convenient exercises around, pull-ups can be done almost anywhere since all you require is a bar and your upper body strength. Pull-ups fall under the division of compound exercises and these exercises target multiple muscle groups, making them extremely important for overall fitness. Pull-ups work the back, shoulders, chest and arms, also improving your overall upper body strength in the process.

Squats not only help to build your leg muscles but also promote body-wide muscle building along with mobility and balance that helps you to complete everyday activities with ease. You burn more fat with squats and these are relatively easy to do, and contrary to popular belief, squats aren’t destructive to your knees when done correctly – instead they actually improve knee stability and strengthen the connective tissue. Add weights to your squats and you can reap double the benefits of this highly effective exercise that should definitely be part of your daily fitness routine.


Training Tips for Men

Kettlebells are the way to go for anyone looking to enhance their strength and endurance. Kettlebells are king when it comes to explosive, physical movement and they provide greater gains for sports such as basketball or CrossFit games. Whilst the kettlebell swings are great for every major muscle group, they also spike your heart rate, providing you with cardiovascular and strength benefits since the kettlebell swing activates your entire posterior chain of muscles from the glutes and hamstrings to the back muscles.


Training Tips

Resistance training, in theory, is the type of training where the muscles and skeleton are working against a large force that’s either induced by gravity (sprinting or jumping) or external resistance (weight lifting). Basically anything with maximal exertions can be considered resistance training. Resistance training is particularly good not only because of the benefits it provides your muscles, but also to the bones. Resistance training pushes you beyond your natural limits and encourages you to keep reaching for your goals through more and more difficult phases of the routine.


Training Tips

Battle ropes are a must-have tool for any fitness enthusiast looking to pack on lean mass. Through ropes, each of your arm works independently, eliminating strength imbalances whilst sculpting your muscles. Don’t just move the ropes up and down, try moving them in various directions to work on different areas of your body. Battle ropes are often thought to be a tool for your upper body only, which is only half the truth. Battle ropes work on your abs, back and even the glutes, giving you an overall fitness and endurance boost, and when you add movements such as lunges, squats and jumps to these exercises, you can also work on your legs. All in one!


Mens Training Tips

There’s always a lot of focus put on working on the abs and getting the six pack or the eight pack, but in doing so, people forget to work on the surrounding neighbours, the oblique muscles. Through a combination of exercises, you can work on your core and oblique muscles to see quicker abdominal results. Add dumbbell side bends, medicine ball throws, weighted decline oblique crunches and plate twists to your workout routines to get the most out of your core and oblique exercises. If you want to step it up a little, you can add ‘push up to side planks’ and seated barbell twists to the mix.


Training Tips

Training Tips

Mens Training Tips

Training Tips


Follow these training tips and pair them up with the right training and workout apparel to give you the best results possible. Shop online now with Sun & Sand Sports and enhance your fitness journey today. Also subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the latest in sportswear and trends.




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