If you’re looking for performance outdoor gear, there’s a reason why you’re going for Columbia: it’s the technology.
Columbia’s expertise in tested-tough tech is renowned across the globe, but why is it relevant to you and how can it benefit you and the sports you are passionate about? Tech-enhanced apparel and hiking shoes can change your game, making you run or walk more efficiently, help your body to regulate temperature, and even reduce the risk of skin cancer with high-level UPF protection.
Got some key asks for your outdoor apparel and hiking shoes? We give you common requisites from people who are always on the go and always outdoors and these four, key technologies from Columbia can help you go that extra mile.
Trails can be unpredictable. One minute you’re walking across sharp rocks, the next minute undergrowth of an overgrown forest. Correct foot placement on rough surfaces could mean the difference between a pleasant adventure or a fall leading to injury. The Columbia Caldorado III Running Shoe for men and women from the Montrail collection has FluidGuide™ technology that encourages midfoot stability by “guiding” the feet into the correct position and proper transition even when you walk across awkward ravines, mountain paths and tracks.
The same hiking shoe ensures you are not caught by surprise with what lies beneath. FluidFoam™ technology absorbs impact with its cushioning system in the midsole, which, when combined with the TrailShield protection plate between your foot and hard or sharp surfaces, will give you all the support you need.
We’re not talking a light sunscreen-like covering here, otherwise you might as well just use that (which is not a sustainable solution if you’re out in the blazing sun for hours). No, this is next-level protection with Columbia OmniShade™ Sun Deflector from the Titanium collection. Clever sun-deflecting dots completely cover apparel and act like tiny mirrors to direct the sun anywhere else apart from your skin. It blocks UVA and UVB rays, wicks away sweat to keep you cool and is also recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation.
Give these pieces a field test for yourself and have the confidence to face your outdoor adventures head-on with the Columbia collection from Sun & Sand Sports.
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